Students are invited to join in our Halloween celebration on Thursday, October 31.
We will start the day at 9:15 a.m. with our Halloween Costume Parade, which will be held outside. Parents are welcome to come and enjoy the parade.
Parents: If you are volunteering in our classrooms, you must have a background check. Feel free to call our office if you are unsure if you are in our database or to get information on how to receive one.
Halloween Costume Guidelines
Note for parents: please use these guidelines when planning costumes with your children. These guidelines are meant to help our Halloween celebration be respectful, responsible, safe, kind, and understanding for all.
Be respectful: Avoid stereotypes. Be racially sensitive and culturally appropriate. Students may not dress up as an ethnic or cultural group (i.e., a Mexican, a Geisha, a Native American, etc.). Culture is not a costume. Skin color must not be altered in any way. 
Be responsible: Recognize that students in a wide age range will see the costumes. Costumes should be family friendly. Costumes may not be gory or threatening.
Be safe: No weapons, real or pretend are allowed (i.e. light sabers, swords, hooks, Wolverine claws). Masks may not be worn. Crowns or hats may be worn. 
Be kind: Costumes should be fun and exciting, not political, or offensive. 
Be Understanding: Students may dress up as fictional characters if they follow the above guidelines.
***REMINDER: No School for students the following day, November 1, 2024***